Poem: “Pass Not That Way Again” (2010)

“Where one can no longer love,
there one should pass by.”
Though memory aches for former shapes,
pass not that way again.

Human curves and fingerprints
should not be cast in corners.
The huddled form is not for you.
Pass not that way again.

Where surprise has fallen mute,
there no gods will grow.
Those spirits have all lost their breath.
Release their spent air from your lungs.

Fever dreams too tightly held
deserve only your tears.
Lay to ground their will to death.
Pass not that way again.

Steps ahead, voices resound
that beckon us to being,
forgive us our misshapen pasts,
and welcome us in changing.

“Where one can no longer love,
there one should pass by.”
Though memory turns to clasp cold lips,
pass not that way again.

Published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Before the Turn LP, 2010. Includes quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Walter Kaufmann translation.