
Much of my poetry has been published as lyrics via my various musical releases. You can read selections, lyrics or otherwise, below.


Word Cage / Balloon / Sparrow In Memory / The Passenger* / First published as lyrics for Matthew S. Rosin’s Singing Is Contagious EP, except * republished from 2010 (see below).


Lady Liberty / First published on www.matthewsrosin.com, Facebook, and Twitter.


May Our Voices Be / First published on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s WorshipWeb site.

You Matter / Text published on the Unitarian Universalist Association’s WorshipWeb site. / March 2022 video reading published by the author on YouTube for the Fatherhood Is Learning newsletter. / First published on www.matthewsrosin.com.


In Utero / First published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s You Are the Hand EP.

Forget To Grieve / First published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Forget To Grieve single.


Patience / Solidarity / Medusa In the Cistern / The Screaming Mound / First published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s Patience EP.


Get Up / The Passenger / Walking On Faces / Cinders In the Throat / Pass Not That Way Again / First published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Before the Turn LP.


Threshold / First published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s Threshold LP.


Room Of Light / Joy/Grime / The Weight Of PaperFirst published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s A City Out Of Sight LP.


Violence In Crayon / A Moth Blending Into WallsFirst published as lyrics for Matt Rosin and the Dead Raven Choir’s Fire Mouth collaborative LP.