Short Fiction

I love writing short fiction, whether short stories or flash fiction. So far, you can read my short fiction in the following publications.

Bridget Walked

First published: KYSO Flash, Fall 2016 (Issue 6). // Anthologized: State of the Art: KYSO Flash Anthology 2016 [Series Volume #3], ed. Clare MacQueen.

Give With One Hand

First published: The Luxembourg Review, Autumn 2016 (inaugural print issue); nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

Her Weight Is His

First published: KYSO Flash, Fall 2016 (Issue 6). // In Spanish translation: “Su carga es la de él,” trad. por Susana Cejas, online via Susurros Chinos; anthologized in print in Instantáneas de ficción: Selección de microcuentos, Susurros Chinos (Córdoba, Argentina), 2018.


First published: r.kv.r.y. quarterly, Winter 2015 “CAREGIVERS” issue (vol. xii, no. 1).

Stuck In Quito

First published: Shotgun Honey, December 18, 2015.