Category Archives: Poetry/Lyrics

Poem: “The Passenger” (2010/2020)

Hatred is a dead body
handcuffed to my wrist.
I drag it behind me,
uphill and down.

The face which smears
over rocks and concrete
is the same as the one
I see in the mirror.

The fingers which cut
grooves into the soil
bear my fingerprints;
leave their traces.

The wake I trail behind me
slowly ceases to be red.
The passenger sheds his skin.
I grow still more hollow.

Blank features pass away
as my face grows ever harder.
My back curves from the weight;
the spine is bleached by sun.

By the time the bones remaining
detach and fall away,

there will be nothing left;

nothing left to save;

but an empty shell
dragging empty handcuffs

First published as lyrics for Cindervoice’s Before the Turn LP (2010). / Republished as lyrics for Matthew S. Rosin’s Singing Is Contagious EP (2020).

Poem: “The Weight Of Paper” (2007)

Muscles quiver under paper
in a fiber grave.
Arms, interlocking,
press into the day.

Balance finds its gravity
only through points of three.
This is our only saving grace.

The weight of paper is piling up.
I cannot find another face.

Beneath the weight of paper,
we will build a home, with
walls that hold fast to the sound of
words we cannot know.

Column A and Column B:
never what they claim to be.
This is our moment's saving grace.

The weight of paper is piling up.
I cannot find another face.

Published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s A City Out Of Sight LP, 2007.

Poem: “Solidarity” (2011)

Open up
your ruined house.
Fear not for God.
The poem is my pocket.

The fiber fragment,
folded tight:
tucked into a secret,
always moving.

Behind the seam,
this inner lining,
I smuggle hope
beyond debris.

My fingers pinch
the promise firm.
I press tomorrow:
shelter in your palm.

We read aloud,
breathe into rubble.
We read aloud,
Our ruin now

a temple.

Published as lyrics for GODHEADSCOPE’s Patience EP, 2011. Spurred by Czesław Miłosz’s essay “Ruins and Poetry.”