I’m proud to announce that my novelette The Honeydrop Tree is now officially released in ebook and paperback!
The book is available in paperback from Amazon.com . The e-book is available from your favorite e-book retailer (e.g., Smashwords , Amazon/Kindle , Barnes & Noble/NOOK , Apple/iBooks , Kobo ).
r.kv.r.y. quarterly , which recently published my flash fiction story “Hope,” just posted a new interview with me !
My dear writing colleague R.G. Chandler interviewed me about the story behind “Hope.”
My thanks to Editor-in-Chief Mary Akers at r.kv.r.y. quarterly — and to R.G. Chandler for a great conversation! (You can learn more about R.G. Chandler at her Facebook page .)
I’m pleased to share that one of my flash fiction stories, “Hope,” appears in the Winter 2015 “CAREGIVERS” issue of r.kv.r.y. quarterly . Read it here.
This story is dear to me, and I’m thrilled it found such a congenial home. My thanks to Editor-in-Chief Mary Akers and everyone at r.kv.r.y. for believing in the story.
I’m pleased to reveal the cover art for my forthcoming novelette, The Honeydrop Tree , planned for late 2014/early 2015. Details to follow.
Cover art by Matthew S. Rosin.
I’ve decided to self-publish my novelette, The Honeydrop Tree !
Details to follow as I navigate the process.
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Fatherhood, fiction, poetry, song